Secure and simple billing process with our partner AirPlus

No matter where your employees’ next business trip is going to…

No matter which service you commission us for...

... discover with us the time-saving payment solution for your visa, A1 certificates, EU declarations and document legalization with our partner AirPlus International.

AirPlus International GmbH offers you the convenient option of billing your services with us conveniently and easily via AirPlus Company Account or AirPlus Virtual Cards. Take advantage of our partnership with this service provider and benefit from the following advantages:

Why you should settle your orders with us using a AirPlus Company Account:

  • We enter your customer numbers with the help of an implementation form in our EASY ACCESS online portal in advance and enter the wishes for payment with AirPlus!
  • Invoices are always sent electronically via e-mail and after consultation with you: the invoice either goes to the customer or to a central office - or to both.
  • The 6 standard query fields (DBI) can be "renamed" individually for you and defined as "mandatory fields" using formulas. As a result, your employees must enter information such as a cost center in the format that you as the company specify in advance.
  • AirPlus sends you a bundled and clear invoice that includes the entries in the DBI fields.
  • For a small fee, we will provide you with an overview of all billed processes immediately after the data has been transferred to AirPlus.
  • Due to a flexible interface to AirPlus, we can take into account and correctly control all customer specifications for transmission.

Visit the website of our partner AirPlus for more information. There you can immediately access information about working together via the AirPlus Company Account or the AirPlus Virtual Cards.